-Starlit Night-

Like that one star, Lost within millions of others.

Bah, said I would study today, turns out I didn't do any =x
Part of the reason is cuz DBZ saiyan invasion came out for DS, it's fucking awesome =D
Reminds me how epic DBZ was =3 Fell asleep the whole period in Jap today, fighting sleepiness is fun lol
Had a dream about msn o.o and I was talking to randoms =o
Boring life is boring =x


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About Me

Murrays Bay, North Shore, New Zealand
Harlan, 1993.

About This

Don't really expect anyone to read this really, just a place to recollect my thoughts and stuff =P.

If you do read this though, guess you can be bored with daily life and life stories lol. Though I can tell you that my life is a bit more interesting than others >.>